Saturday, January 12, 2013


Denzel Washington gives one of the best performances of his career in Robert Zemeckis' 'Flight'. Washington plays an airline pilot named Whip Whitaker who saves a plane from crashing in one of the most terrifying and realistic crash sequences to hit the silver screen. While he is celebrated as a hero, an investigation leads to speculation that Whip was drunk while landing the plane. The performances from the supporting cast in the film are superb. From John Goodman to Bruce Greenwood to Tamara Tunie, each member of the cast adds a layer of depth and emotion to the film. Though Melissa Leo only appears towards the end of the film, she is masterful. While I have seen this film twice already, I just can't watch it again only because of that terrifying crash sequence! While it might not strike gold at the Oscars, this is a film that will not be forgotten due to its incredible performances and fantastic direction by Robert Zemeckis. Highly recommended!

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