Monday, October 29, 2012

Silent Hill Revelation

Oh boy. Where should I even begin? 'Silent Hill Revelation' is right behind 'Resident Evil Retribution' as one of the worst films of the year. Just how bad is this film? Lets just say it makes the first 'Silent Hill' film look like a work of art. To be honest, I didn't mind the first film and it definitely has some replay value. This film is a different story. The plot follows Heather Mason (the protagonist of the game 'Silent Hill 3') as she returns to Silent Hill in order to find her father who was kidnapped by The Order. Tagging along with her is Vincent played by Kit Harington of 'Game of Thrones' fame. If you want me to delve any further into the plot it would basically be spoiling the entire confusing and downright perplexing plot. For those who have played 'Silent Hill 3', the film does follow the game's plotline, but takes its liberties. Most of which are not good. I've been pretty nice so far. Here's where I cross the line. 'Silent Hill Revelation' features some of the worst acting I have ever seen on screen. Kit Harington should stick to 'Game of Thrones'. He was painfully bad in this film. Adelaide Clemens embodies Heather Mason, but she can't rise above the material she's given. I won't even comment on Malcolm McDowell and Carrie Anne Moss because they are in the film for only about five minutes. The film's dialogue is brutal. The film drew many unintentional laughs because of how bad some of the lines were. The film feels like a first draft that no one else had the chance to revise. What I will say is that the film is aesthetically beautiful. The atmosphere of the games is beautifully translated to the screen. This is only enhanced by the wonderful 3D. In fact, the 3D saves the film. If you don't see the film in 3D, you will definitely run back to the ticket vendor and ask for a refund. The ashes that engulf the town of Silent Hill really pop out of the screen, and a scene involving a mannequin monster is probably the best scene out of the whole film. Pyramid Head also pops up in the film and the 3D aspect definitely serves him well. Overall, I really can't recommend this film. I can't even recommend it to fans of the games because you will probably walk out of the film enraged. If you must see it, you must see it in 3D. I think it's safe to say that there won't be a 'Silent Hill 3' anytime soon.


If you're planning to see a horror film in theaters this Halloween, the film you should see is 'Sinister'. Ethan Hawke stars as Ellison Oswalt, a famous author who gets his inspiration from staying in the vicinity of houses in which brutal and sadistic murders took place. Unbeknownst to his wife and two kids, Oswalt decides to move into a house that is basically a crime scene. In the attic, Oswalt finds a box of home movies that reveal a lot more than he bargained for. 'Sinister' plays out a lot like 2010's 'Insidious', which is not a coincidence considering both films have the same producer. 'Insidious' was all about the build-up. 'Sinister' is the same. The downside of both films is their third act which takes away the true scare factor that was established in the first hour of the film. 'Sinister' stays based in reality for most of the film and then takes a wrong turn towards its climax. That's not to say the film is a disaster. Why else would I recommend it as the perfect Halloween 2012 film? For the first hour, the film is a scare-fest. It's unsettling and flat-out chilling. Ethan Hawke gives a great performance as Ellison Oswalt and the supporting characters are great as well. I jumped multiple times. I will say that some of the jump scares were cheap, but they still got me! Overall, this is one to watch in the theater. Watching it at home won't have the same effect. While the film's climax is a bit of a spoiler, the rest of the film is disturbing and sends chills down your spine. The moral of the story is that curiosity definitely kills the cat!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Taken 2

Liam Neeson returns as Bryan Mills in the sequel to the 2009 smash hit, 'Taken'. While not as good as the first film, 'Taken 2' provides plenty of suspense and non-stop action. This time around, Bryan Mills and his wife are taken hostage by the father of the son Bryan had murdered in the first film. It's now up to his daughter to find them with her father guiding her every step of the way. Regardless if you enjoy the plot or not, it is a thrill to see Liam Neeson kick ass over and over again. He is what makes these films truly entertaining, because there are times when the plot does get quite ridiculous and illogical. Overall, I recommend the film, but don't expect what you received the first film. The higher budget definitely shows, and it makes you kind of miss what was done with the little budget they had for the first film. It's obvious there will be another film, and I will definitely be watching!

Killer Joe

The poster for William Friedkin's 'Killer Joe' refers to the film as 'A Totally Twisted Deep-Fried Texas Redneck Trailer Park Murder Story.' Yep, sounds about right. Based on a play by Tracy Letts, 'Killer Joe' is gripping from beginning to end. To reveal any of the plot would be a crime because it is just so entertaining to watch it unfold. What I will say is that Emile Hirsch, Juno Temple, Thomas Haden Church, and Gina Gershon give fantastic performances. But above all, Matthew McConaughey's performance as Killer Joe Cooper takes the cake. Killer Joe Cooper is so sick and maniacal that you are both revolted and intrigued by his character. While you fear his return, you almost can't wait for him to come back on screen to see what he does next. One last warning. A scene involving a fried chicken drumstick is not for the faint of heart! The movie is rated NC-17 for a reason! I highly recommend this film. William Friedkin hardly ever fails, in my opinion. Besides, he did direct one of my favorite films of all time, 'The Exorcist'. Definitely watch this film with an open mind and you'll be just as intrigued and entertained as I was!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Little Shop of Horrors (Director's Cut)

As crazy as it may sound, the Director's Cut of 'Little Shop of Horrors' made me cry. First off, the film is very nostalgic for me because it was one of the first films I embraced as a teen. Secondly, the alternate ending is a masterpiece. When the film was screened in 1986, the alternate ('bad') ending was booed by audiences and ultimately forced re-shoots. The result was an ending that pleased audiences, but was quite unrealistic. The song 'The Meek Shall Inherit' pretty much sums up the film in a nutshell. The Ronnettes sing, 'They say the meek shall inherit.You know the book doesn't lie. It's not a question of merit. It's not demand and supply. They say the meek gonna get it. "And you're a meek little guy."You know the meek are gonna get what's comin' to 'em By and by...'. The movie holds up to this day. The songs are incredible and the puppetry is superb. Audrey II has to be the most detailed piece of puppetry ever created, and on Blu-Ray, you can pretty much see every detail of the plant. Actually, the whole film looks incredible in 1080p. You wouldn't think the film is 26 years old. The special features are also fun to watch. Overall, the Blu-ray definitely warrants a purchase, and if you've never seen the film, it's the perfect way to experience it for the first time! Just remember, 'Please, whatever they offer you, Don't Feed The Plants!'

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Safety Not Guaranteed

Aubrey Plaza, Mark Duplass and Jake Johnson star in a film about a reporter, two interns and a man who claims he can time travel. As crazy as this film sounds, it is an incredibly fun ride. Great performances all around especially from Aubrey Plaza and Mark Duplass. Everyone in the film is missing something in their lives and by the film's conclusion, everything comes full circle. It is truly fantastic that the writer took a simple ad and turned it into a full feature film that has a lot of meaning. It's films like this that make me truly appreciate indie films a whole lot more than mainstream films. Highly recommended.

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Steve Carell and Keira Knightley star in a film about love and friendship under the worst possible circumstances. I had very low expectations for this film and it was actually not that bad. The film is marketed as a comedy, but I found very little of the film to be funny. The film had a very nice message about friendship but I did lose interest at several points and the ending was quite depressing (You can probably guess why). I recommend this film as a rental at best.