Saturday, October 20, 2012

Little Shop of Horrors (Director's Cut)

As crazy as it may sound, the Director's Cut of 'Little Shop of Horrors' made me cry. First off, the film is very nostalgic for me because it was one of the first films I embraced as a teen. Secondly, the alternate ending is a masterpiece. When the film was screened in 1986, the alternate ('bad') ending was booed by audiences and ultimately forced re-shoots. The result was an ending that pleased audiences, but was quite unrealistic. The song 'The Meek Shall Inherit' pretty much sums up the film in a nutshell. The Ronnettes sing, 'They say the meek shall inherit.You know the book doesn't lie. It's not a question of merit. It's not demand and supply. They say the meek gonna get it. "And you're a meek little guy."You know the meek are gonna get what's comin' to 'em By and by...'. The movie holds up to this day. The songs are incredible and the puppetry is superb. Audrey II has to be the most detailed piece of puppetry ever created, and on Blu-Ray, you can pretty much see every detail of the plant. Actually, the whole film looks incredible in 1080p. You wouldn't think the film is 26 years old. The special features are also fun to watch. Overall, the Blu-ray definitely warrants a purchase, and if you've never seen the film, it's the perfect way to experience it for the first time! Just remember, 'Please, whatever they offer you, Don't Feed The Plants!'

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