Tuesday, June 19, 2012


There are many questions one should ask themselves while they're watching 'Gone'. The main one should be, 'What was Amanda Seyfried thinking?!' 'Gone' is a complete mess from start to finish. Amanda Seyfried stars as Jill, a girl who we learn was kidnapped in the past and suffers from severe anxiety in her everyday life. Jill lives with her sister Molly, a Grade A student and a perfectly happy individual. When Molly leaves to go to work one night, she returns to find that her sister is gone without a trace. Jill is immediately convinced that her kidnapper is the one who took her sister, and this leads Jill on a road filled with ridiculous plot holes. Jill goes to the cops, they immediately shun her. Some police department. One detective seems shady (red herring), and the other refuses to help Jill because he knows of her past. The one female officer in the film looks like she just rolled out of bed and went to work. Detective Powers, played by Daniel Sunjata, keeps trying to tell Jill that there is no killer because when she escaped her kidnapper, he was never found. Jill was also committed to a mental facility after her ordeal because they all thought she was crazy. I won't spoil the movie for those who really want to watch this dreck, but the ending is so awful and nonsensical that it renders the movie pointless. It makes you think to yourself, 'I wasted over 90 minutes of my life for a damn PLOT HOLE?!' I personally think Amanda Seyfried is a really good actress. I liked her in 'Chloe' and really look forward to seeing her Cosette in 'Les Miserables' this Christmas. This was a major misstep for her, but I have full belief that this movie will be tossed aside and quickly forgotten. The supporting cast overacts their way through the film, and Jennifer Carpenter (Debra from 'Dexter') is criminally underused. I won't go into a critique of the direction by Heitor Dhalia because the film is so convoluted and disjointed. Overall, I can't recommend this film in anyway, and it should have gone straight to Lifetime or VOD. The film's box office gross says it all.

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