Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Take This Waltz

KILL ME NOW. No, seriously, do it. I don't think I have watched a movie this repulsive in quite a while. 'Take This Waltz' is a story about an unhappy marriage between Lou and Margot Rubin played by Seth Rogen and Michelle Williams. Margot writes travel brochures, Lou is writing a cookbook revolving around chicken. The couple seems to be in love. While traveling back from one of her expeditions, Margot meets a man named Daniel. Daniel is mysterious, Daniel is irritating. Daniel turns out to be everything Margot looks for in a man. He also happens to live across the street from her house and drives a rickshaw. And thus, the love triangle commences. What follows is a series of scenes in which we see Lou and Margot's marriage falling apart due to her weird and indifferent personality around Lou. We also see Margot meet with Daniel at a cafe in which he proceeds to discuss what he wants to do to Margot sexually which was incredibly cringe-worthy. Sarah Silverman, who gives some life to the film, plays Margot's sister Geraldine. She is only featured in a few scenes, one being a pretty horrifying and unnecessary nude scene in a gym shower. Following the wonderful 2006 movie 'Away from Her', Director Sarah Polley has taken a step down with this film. Bottom line, the film is boring, pretentious, and filled with unlikeable characters. Seth Rogen, Michelle Williams, and Sarah Silverman are MUCH better than this film.

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